September 19, 2024

Subjects - East Hills Boys High School 


Division 5 has started the following units of study in the core subjects:

  • Math:  Students are exploring patterns, place value and basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplying and dividing) and problem solving.
  • Language: Students are discussing the parts of speech followed by punctuation rules, sentence structure and paragraph writing.
  • Reading:  Students are developing their reading skills:  skimming, summarizing, inferring and more.  Students have also begun independent Novel Studies and identifying the elements of a story. (Three Little Pigs Sample).
  • Social Studies:  Students are reviewing our understanding of Canada geography before we begin our work with levels of government.
  • Science:  Students have just launched into a unit of flight where will be exploring its history, the forces involved and conducting a number of related experiments.


Beginning in October, a few students will be assigned public speaking opportunities each week with a focus on current events.  I am asking that students source our stories from the following links:

I will send home the assignment criteria in the coming weeks and remind families of who is scheduled to present each week. 


Please note the following reminders:

  • students have been working on a sample Independent Novel Study form (Three Little Pigs Sample)   We will use this same Novel Study for a book of their choosing in during October and November.
  • studenst have a  Canada Map to complete by Monday


I have really been impressed with Division 5 over the first two weeks.  They have demonstrated a positive attitude, collaborated well together and increased their focus during work times.  It has been a great start and I look forward to what lies ahead.  Enjoy your weekend!

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